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Public catering buildings

The number of cafes and restaurants is growing rapidly. In this regard, more and more often they are ordering catering projects. Design includes the development of the concept of the institution (or the use of the existing brand book), the development of technological solutions and engineering.

Design Features

People visit cafes, restaurants, bars not only for the purpose of a tasty meal or a drink. They do this in order to relax, change the familiar working environment to a cozy atmosphere with friends. Thus, in the design solutions of public catering facilities it is necessary to provide a comfortable rest for future visitors.

In the room are not only customers, but also the staff of the establishment - service personnel, barmen, cooks, administrators, managers. Their work should also be comfortable, ensuring the least labor. This is achieved by a competent layout of the building, observance of flows, the use of modern technologies and equipment.

An important aspect of the cafe, restaurant - security. It is necessary to adhere to the established fire regulations. All security measures are taken into account during the development of the project. It is also important to take into account the sanitary and hygienic norms and the coordination of the project in zonal services.

Thus, the design of catering buildings includes important stages:

  • Design - interior, exterior design of the building, choice of colors, etc.
  • Technological stage - drawing up a scheme for arranging equipment, summarizing communications to them, calculating flows.
  • Engineering stage - the location of communications.

Main stages and content of the project

Project activities for public catering buildings are carried out in the following order:

  • Creation of a business plan - determination of the type of establishment, production capacity, form of service, the number of places, the way of cooking, calculation based on the area data listed, building layout, energy needs.
  • Sketch - on the basis of the previous 2 points, a draft is drawn up, which makes it possible to evaluate the feasibility of building and its technical capabilities.
  • Preparation of documentation - study of the features of the site, supply of communications, verification of legal aspects of construction.
  • Development of the project - a package of documents, drawings, schemes with detailed information about the object is prepared.
  • Approval and approval of the project
  • Architectural supervision of construction - an employee of the company "Project-M" monitors the implementation of all construction works and their compliance with the project during construction.

The cost of the finished project depends on many factors - the type of institution, its capacity, the site for design, the choice of equipment, etc.

Contents of the project:

  • 3D-visualization of the object.
  • Technological solutions.
  • General plan.
  • Engineering support.
  • Constructive, architectural solutions.
  • Explanatory note.

Why us?

Projects for restaurants and cafes should be ordered in "Project-M" for the following reasons:

  • We apply the experience of foreign partners, modern non-standard solutions and approaches.
  • We work in a three-dimensional BIM-model, excluding mechanical errors of designers of related specialties.
  • There is a possibility of 3D visualization of interiors.
  • Experienced approach to brandbooks of network restaurants.
  • More than 5 years of design experience.
  • Individual approach.
  • Low prices.
  • Conclusion of the contract with indication of obligations and time of their implementation.
  • Availability of ISO 9001 certificate.

Do you want to order the design of public catering buildings in Belarus and Russia? Please, contact us. We will help you build a successful business.

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